

Our company began in 1981,Located in the Taichung Train Station, Shun Yee Street. The The initial business is steel cut and processed. The main customers for the furniture factory, iron works and farms, and truck repair plant.


In 1986, we started the agent Kao Hsing Chang, Feng Hsin and Mayer's products, contains all kinds of steel , beam and pipe products, now was the main agent of central Taiwan.


With industrial development is transferred to the new area, we also transferred in 1990 to the Taichung Industrial Park (Taichung Gongyequ), It also allows the company to a larger space for development. At this time add of new products based on customer demand, such as: rail, steel plate, special steel products, stainless steel products, seamless steel tubes, etc.

於2002 年左右,因位國內鋼鐵需求增多,導致國內自產之鋼鐵產量不足以供應,所以本公司開始進口各國鋼材、鐵材供應台灣中部廠商之需求,其中以型鋼、鋼板、無縫鋼管、不鏽鋼等為大宗。

Around 2002, the increase in demand for steel, taiwan's production of iron and steel production is insufficient to supply within the customers. Thus began importing to supply customers, Purchasing more imports of beam, steel plate, seamless steel tubes, stainless steel products.

近年來,臺中工業區之機械與手工具製造具相當規模,現在已成為臺中市政府及中部地區已相當注重的產業,而臺中工業區之空間已不足夠各廠商之發展,所幸臺中市政府開發「精密機械科技創新園區」,而本公司也順利得到台中市政府的允許進駐本園區當中,工廠已於 2012 年 6 月搬遷完畢。

In recent years, the development of machinery and hand tools quite amazing. Now, Taichung City Government attached considerable importance to the industry. Taichung Industrial Park is not enough space, Fortunately, the Taichung City government established "Precision Machinery Technology Innovation Park", And we get the permission of the Taichung City Government, can be stationed in the park. Our factory have been moving completed in June 2012.


Thank our customers and suppliers support our long-term, also hope you will continue to support and care for us.